

9 Tips For Building a Professional Network Remotely

Creating a professional network is quite important for career growth. It may become even more important when working remotely. Having no physical office should not hinder remote professionals from creating good, meaningful connections. Here are nine tips on how to build and grow your professional network while working remotely. Following is list of remote networking tips:

1. Social Media Platforms

Social media is an ultimate means of networking. From LinkedIn to Twitter and even Instagram, you will find the right people in the industry.

  • LinkedIn:
    Be updated regarding your profile. Share related content and comment on other’s posts. Join industry-related groups and go further with the discussion.
  • Twitter: Follow industry leaders, participate in Twitter chats, share your inputs on trending topics.

2. Virtual Industry Events and Webinars

While virtual conferences, webinars, and workshops are incredibly convenient, they’re also superb opportunities for meeting people in your field.

  • Attend Actively:
    Be sure to be one of the questioners during the Q&A, actively join the chat, and after the event, reach out to speakers and fellow attendees on LinkedIn.
  • Follow Up:
    Send personalized messages to everyone you meet referring either to your conversation or to the topic of the event.

3. Join Online Communities

Participate in online communities relevant to your industry. These could be Slack channels, subreddits, or even Facebook Groups.

  • Be Active:
    Make regular contributions to discussions, share useful content, and give your expertise.
  • Build Relationships:
    Respond to community members; give and ask for help.

4. Set up Virtual Coffees

One-on-ones in a virtual coffee setting can really provide much-needed depth to such relationships.

  • Reach Out:
    Drop a friendly note to someone whom you would like to connect with by suggesting a virtual coffee, Be prepared to discuss a few topics such as career paths, industry trends, or interests.

5. Collaborate on Projects

Collaboration can be a great way to develop professional relationships one of the most important remote networking tips.

  • Seek Out Opportunities:
    Seek collaborative projects, joint ventures, and partnerships within your network.

6. Produce Good Work

Do good work and communicate clearly and efficiently so you are known as someone people can count on as a collaborator.

  • Prepare an Elevator Pitch:
    Be ready to explain briefly about yourself, highlighting your skill set and the goals in mind.
  • Follow Up:
    Send a follow-up connection request on LinkedIn to most of the attendees after the event and discuss it further.

7. Create and Share Content

It shall attract other like-minded professionals by sharing knowledge and giving insights to them.

  • Write Articles or Blog Posts:
    Share your expertise on relevant topics in the industry on your blog or other platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Engage with Comments:
    Respond to comments on your posts. This will help you start networking and building relationships.

8. Networking Apps

Apps like Shapr, Bumble Bizz, and Meetup look for people within your selected area or industry.

  • Make sure to create your profile:
    Clearly mention your professional interests and goals.
    Once the app is created, actively look within a few days for potential connections. After that, give it time to connect with like-minded people.

9. Follow Up and Keep in Touch

Building your network is much like maintaining it.

  • The Periodic Check-In:
    It’s mainly going back to your contacts by way of a nice text or sharing some other type of interesting content.
  • Provide Value:
    become a resource to your network; Organizations that do so include 83 percent of the customers who share valuable information, 79 percent making introductions, and 78 percent offering help.


Building a professional network from a distance does seem pretty challenging; however, with the right strategy, it might prove to be just as effective. You can systematically establish a professional network working on your behalf through social media, online events, professional online communities, and a disciplined follow-up pattern. Remember that at the core of networking, it’s all about relationship building; thus, be genuine and add value to the relationships by keeping yourself engaged.

Hope you will follow these remote networking tips, and boost your network as much as possible.

Feel free to give your feedbacks and suggestions in the comments section.

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